Jim Tollefson - President and CEO of Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
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John Davidson - Chairman of EzRez Software, General Partner of Startup Capital Ventures, Entrepreneur's Foundation of Hawaii
Kelvin Taketa - President and CEO of the Hawaii Community Foundation
Gail Jennings - President of HawaiiDiner.com and Everybodyeats.org
Mufi Hannemann - Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii
Alan Wong - Owner of Alan Wong's Restaurant, the Pineapple Room, Alan Wong's Hawaii in Tokyo Disneyland, Hualalai Grille by Alan Wong
Don Soderquist - Retired Senior Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Walmart, Inc, Founder of Soderquist Center
Dr. Patrick Sullivan - Founder and Chairman of Oceanit, President and CEO of Hoana Medical, Founder of Nanopoint
Christine Camp Friedman - Founder of Avalon Development Company
Chris Eldridge - Founder of America's Mattress
Jonathan McManus - Partner in Baywest Properties, Gift Foundation of Hawaii, Rehab Hospital
Dr. Hank Wuh - Founder and CEO of Cellular Bioengineering, Inc, Founder of The Daily Wellness Company